2017 HPVQI Archive


July Call

If you were not able to participate in the live conference call, you may listen to the recording below (28:29). Please sign in after you have completed the recording.


Start Time Speaker Presentation Title Link to Slides
0:00 Alisa Stoddard Conference Introduction
1:53 Bill Cosgrove, MD Sustainability  [Presentation Slides]
12:04 Practice Participation

Participant Sign In:


Other resourses:

Sustainability Checklist

Instructions for MOC credit

Past Event Details and Project Resources


June Call

If you were not able to participate in the live conference call, you may listen to the recording below (44:27). Please sign in after you have completed the recording.


Start Time Speaker Presentation Title Link to Slides
0:00 Alisa Stoddard Conference Introduction
0:35 Deanna Kepka, Ph.D, MPH Advocate Interview with Linda Halsey [Presentation Slide]
15:10 Pramod Sharma, MD ENT’s Perspective of HPV-related cancers
33:43 Diane Liu, MD Barriers and Challenges
41:50 Bill Cosgrove, MD Progress and Goals for June


May Call

No recorded version is available.


April Call

If you were not able to participate in the live conference call, you may listen to the recording below (30:49). Please sign in after you have completed the recording.


Start Time Speaker Presentation Title Link to Slides
0:00 Alisa Stoddard Conference Introduction & Resources
2:17 Deanna Kepka, Ph.D, MPH Survivor Interview with Diane Crawford

(Daisy Albert was not available for the call)

[Presentation Slides]
19:09 Laura Martel PDSA Cycles
24:50 Bill Cosgrove, MD Recap and Questions



March Call

If you were not able to participate in the live conference call, you may listen to the recording below (37:55). Please sign in after you have completed the recording.


Start Time Speaker Presentation Title Link to Slides
0:00 Alisa Stoddard Conference Introduction
0:50 Deanna Kepka, Ph.D, MPH Survivor Interview with Robert Mock [Presentation Slides]
37:06 Diane Liu, MD PDSA Cycles [Presentation Slides]
37:06 Bill Cosgrove, MD Recap and Questions



February Call

If you were not able to participate in the live conference call, you may listen to the recording below (34:13). Please sign in after you have completed the recording.

Start Time Speaker Presentation Title Link to Slides
0:00 Alisa Stoddard Conference Introduction
0:40 Deanna Kepka, Ph.D, MPH Survivor Interview with Shaundra Hall [Presentation Slides]
20:20 Mark Hodgson, MD, Bozeman Health Pediatrics Group, Bozeman, MT Success Story
29:03 Bill Cosgrove, MD Measures and Questions



January Call

If you were not able to participate in the live conference call, you may listen to the recording below (26:06).
Please sign in after you have completed the recording.

Start Time Speaker Presentation Title Link to Slides
0:00 Alisa Stoddard Conference Introduction
0:25 Bill Cosgrove, MD Intro to QIDA  [Presentation Slides]
11:28 Deanna Kepka, Ph.D, MPH Using an HPV Advocate  [Presentation Slides]
21:28 Bill Cosgrove, MD Measures and Questions



December Call

If you were not able to participate in the live conference call, you may listen to the recording below (20:04).
Please sign in after you have completed the recording.

Letter from Dr. Cosgrove post conference call:

Dear HPV/QI Teams:

Thank you for your participation. Tuesday’s teleconference was short (30 minutes) and sweet. If you missed it, go to our website www.aaputah.org > Resources >HPV QI Project, and listen to the recorded version. Then complete the sign in or send an e-mail to alisa@aaputah.org to get credit for participating.

There were a few questions about the overall process, so here is a clarification. The real goals of the project are 1. Get you some practice in using Quality Improvement tools, and 2. Improve your HPV immunization rates.

That said, AAP requires that we use their QIDA data aggregator, and limits the project to first dose HPV in 11 and 12 year olds, to get MOC credit. So, while you are encouraged to use QI tools to improve your immunizing all of your teens, the minimum required data for the project is to simply enter data on 10 eligible kids each month for at least five continuous months. You can either query your entire practice via your electronic medical record, then go on-line to find a random generator to pick your sample (this would be best practice), or you can just keep it simple. Your random sample could easily be the next 10 patients who meet the entry requirement of being 11-12 year old. As your baseline, just count how many are immunized. For this month, December, the goal is simply to get and record baseline data.

Next month, take the first 10 to show up, or the first 2 each day for a week, or some other “random” way to identify 10. Count how many are eligible for their initiation dose of HPV. Count how many you attempted to immunize. Count how many you succeeded in immunizing. This is of course not a strict double-blinded study, this is just you taking a measure of your own performance. We do want you to be honest about your performance, so don’t just count the ones you find easy. We want you to learn what works in your hands, in your unique setting, with your unique patients, so just try out some ideas. Of course some of the things you try will fail, but the good news is that even failures will help you improve. Even if what you try does not get this particular child immunized today, you will have other opportunities to protect this child in the future (when your skills will be even better honed).

So, jump in and get your feet wet. Try some PDSA cycles. Change up the process your team uses on these kids. Try having your receptionist “sell” immunizing at this visit. Try having your medical assistant encourage shots. Try out different scripts, different styles of communication. You have developed the rut you are in from your own long experience, and it probably is a fine rut, and works most of the time. But, it is still a rut. Try something different. You may discover that what you already do is great. You may discover that a change in your delivery is even better. Play with it. Have some fun with it.

Then each month, set your goal to be, say, 5% better than the last month. We deliberately set the goals low (a carrot doesn’t help much if it is out of reach) so that your team gets a lot of opportunities to celebrate success. So, small steps, and a lot of celebrating.

The requirements to earn MOC credit are the bolded elements in this email. The other requirement for credit is to interact with a team to discuss successes and failures. This can be simply calling a quick huddle of your team in your office, or joining with the large group on-line with the monthly teleconferences. Either way, it must be documented to earn the MOC credit. For the live teleconferences, use the sign in sheet and Alisa will note those participating. If you listen to the recorded teleconferences, please sign in or send Alisa an e-mail so that she can keep track. If you do in-office discussions and interactions, note it and send an e-mail to Alisa. We want to help you to get the MOC credit.

We are all in this together. Please share your hassles, problems, and successes with us. Alisa can get you answers to any questions. Thanks for your efforts.

Bill Cosgrove

Salt Lake City
Below is a recording of the Salt Lake City conference for testing the hub and spoke model of collaborative HPV vaccination rate quality improvement education. Please watch the video, then ask any questions you have for the speakers using the form below the video. Both the questions and answers will be posted on this page to help everyone unless either contain sensitive information like patient specifics or login information.

Live 11/19 Conference Video Sections:

Start Time Speaker Presentation Title Link to Slides
0:00 Alisa Stoddard Conference Introduction
5:01 Diane Liu, MD Intro to QI [Presentation Slides]
25:28 Sam Plumb, MPA, MPH Intro to QIDA [Presentation Slides]
1:00:22 Deanna Kepka, Ph.D, MPH HPV: Making it Real [Presentation Slides]
1:58:27 Bill Cosgrove, MD Choosing What to Measure [Presentation Slides]